We bring clarity to your tough questions
Co-Lab Research provides professional, data-driven analysis and consulting. Whether it’s a question of big-picture strategy or in-the-weeds data analytics, we adapt our approach to your needs.
Specializing in program evaluation, political and policy analysis, and messaging campaigns, we work with a wide range of non-profit, public sector, academic, and private-sector partners. Please keep reading for some ideas on how we might be a good fit to meet your needs.
We are a collective of mission-driven social scientists passionate about social justice. We prioritize collaborating with grassroots organizations working every day to make our communities stronger.
In these collaborations, our aim is to complement the energy, creativity, and hard work already present in existing organizations and communities. We combine our skills with yours to understand challenges and possible solutions.
Our partnerships often look like one or more of the following:
Evidence-based program evaluation
Background reports on community challenges and policy
Specialized seminars or presentations for your organization
Community-Centered Research
Our team
Our team is made up of PhD-trained social scientists with expertise in public policy, research methods, political science, and education. We have taught university-level courses and published extensive original research in scholarly and media outlets about urban politics, education policy, research methods, public opinion and messaging, racial inequality, elections, and more. We are eager to work together with community collaborators to learn more about your challenges and questions!